Electromagnetic transients occur in a system when flashover occurs
in a gas gap. These transients were measured and have been analyzed
in terms of their field magnitude and dominant frequency.
Analyses of these results have shown that a high voltage research
laboratory is a source for large electromagnetic fields. The 80 kV
pulse generator used resulted in fields of up to 80 V/m and 160
mA/m at a distance of 10 meters from the pulse source.
These values can cause immunity problems to sensitive equipment.
Therefore, without further increasing the distance from the pulse
source, any PC’s or sensibve equipment will require addihonal
shielding to guard against any high incident fields from causing
failures or maloperations.
In addition, these field measurements were extrapolated to allow a
direct comparison with similar results from a substation. Therefore, it
may be possible to use laboratory simulation to predict the substation
environment, as our analysis has shown their results to be equivalent.