Dear Wisawat ,
Kindly be advise that we have call Exxon Mobil & EGT & Bryan – Shipper and see reply asf :-
Exxon Mobil – If we do not have the person in charge of the mention job. They are unable to
Assist us as they already given the full detail to the purchaser(We gave them all information we have) .
EGT(Tank operator at Singapore) – They also do not know who in-charge as well .
Bryan – He scold our operation and ask us not to call him anymore . We wanted to call Jonathon. He told us that we are not suppose to contact him.
I don’t really know why they complain as they started the problem . There is a standard
SOP from Exxon Mobile to all their supplier , but they did not give us . Normally , all this detail
Is provided by shipper ( as we know as forwarder ) . But they reluctance to give us this detail .
If they unwilling to give us detail , at least give us the person in charge to liaison with for this
Information . But even this simple detail is not given to us …… It impossible to get it from Exxon
Mobile as this is sensitive information where Exxon will only give to buyer or being instructed
By their buyer to do so .
I really don’t know how to explain . Only reason this happen I can think of is that shipper want to
Use their own forwarder for some REASON . I believed that they will pass this information to
Their forwarder . Otherwise , I don’t think any forwarder will able to handler any job without
Proper instruction or Information .
What I could say is that try to talk to consignee and get them instruct shipper ( Jonathon is Bryan
Boss ) to get Bryan to co-operate with us and give us detail .
Please comment or advise us if you have better ideal .
Best Regards
We also contacted Exxon Mobil Thailand too but they have no idea to help us.
All document as we request must be provided by the Shipper at Origin(Singapore).
We would like to informed you the problem during on process for this shipment krub.