The impact of acculturation should not be underestimated. Different expectations in an unfamiliar culture can make a manager’s leadership and communication styles obsolete [19]. Hogan and Goodson [19] also posited that expatriates must be adept with new situational demands; indicating the need for flexibility in leadership and communication styles for managerial effectiveness. “Expatriate success requires that managers not only understand the unfamiliar culture but use that knowledge to adapt their leadership and communication practices to the particular company, employees, and environment”. Expatriate general managers acculturate to the host community by navigating what is referred to as the task environment, which includes employees, government agencies, owners, and suppliers [26]. Lewis [14] further highlighted the Global Personality Inventory (GPI) which contains data gathered by Personnel Decisions International (PDI) from more than 12,000 managers and executives who experienced its leadership screening process across the globe. As suggested, the chief cause of a high failure rate for expatriate assignments is the inability of managers to appreciate differences between their own business cultures and foreign work environments. Challenges often arise because of personal perceptions rather than substantive business issues. Acquiring knowledge and the skills of doing business in a host country were viewed as highly needed skills by expatriates [18].