Collecting Lichens
Look on the ground for lichens that have fallen from trees or rocks, or check out your woodpile for lichens that have been brought in with firewood. No one really knows how long it takes lichens to grow, but the consensus is that it's SLOW, measured in terms of a human lifetime. Collecting fallen lichens is the best way to avoid over-collecting lichens in their natural habitat. After you've finished collecting in an area, there shouldn't be any signs that you were ever there. Put the fallen lichens in paper bags so they won't rot before you get around to working with them. You might find more than one kind of lichen on the forest floor. Separate the different kinds of lichen, and their dye extractions—this way you will get a broader color palette.
You might find more than one kind of lichen on the forest floor. Separate the different kinds of lichen, and their dye extractions—this way you will get a broader color palette.