English teaching and learning in Thailand is confronted by several problems. The four basic English language skills are divided into two categories such as receptive skills and productive skills. Writing is one of the four basic skills. The students start learning to communicate through written from as they begin to interact with others at school level. The writing skill is more complicated than that of other language skills. It is evident that Thai students still face difficulties, particularly in their writing skills. Even sometimes a native speaker of the English language may experience complication in a tricky situation. Basically the writing skill requires a well-structured way of the presentation of thoughts in an organized and planned way (Braine & Yorozu, 1998).
English writing has been a notoriously difficult and long investigated skill in English learning and teaching for EFL learners. (Johnstone, Ashbaugh,& Warfield, 2002). The ESL teachers include writing skills in the syllabus because this is an essential element for students' academic success. (Kellogg, 2008) Writing helps to i) reinforce the grammatical structure, ii) enhance the students’ vocabulary, iii) and assist other language skills such as reading, listening and speaking. This study, thus, aims to investigate English writing ability of junior English for International major students.