1. Readily Available : Hydrogen is a great source of energy for a number of reasons, the biggest one being that it is so readily available. While it may take some work to access, there is no element in the universe as abundant as hydrogen.
2. No Harmful Emissions : Another advantage to using hydrogen energy is that when burned, its leaves almost no harmful byproducts. In fact, when used in NASA’s spaceships, the burned hydrogen gas leaves behind clean drinking water for the astronauts.
3. Environment Friendly : Hydrogen is also non-toxic, which makes it a rarity among fuel sources. Nuclear energy, coal, and gasoline are all either toxic or found in hazardous environments. This makes hydrogen ideal for use in a number of ways other fuel sources can’t compete against
4. Used as Fuel in Rockets : Hydrogen energy is also very powerful and very efficient. It’s powerful enough to propel spaceships and safer than using any other similar product to accomplish such an energy-intensive duty. In fact, hydrogen is three times as powerful as gasoline and similar fossil fuels, meaning it takes less of it to accomplish more.
5. Fuel Efficient : Hydrogen energy is very efficient fuel source than traditional sources of energy and produces more energy per pound of fuel. This clearly means that a car loaded with hydrogen fuel with go much farther than the one using same amount of traditional source of energy.
6. Renewable : Unlike non-renewable sources of energy which can’t be produced again and again as they are limited; hydrogen energy can be produced on demand. Hydrogen is available in plenty. All we need is fossil fuels to break the water molecules to separate it from oxygen.