• Cigarette lighters
• Documents of material receipts.
Ther are no documents that define “Roles & Responsibilities of security staff for safety issues.
Neither there is any written “NO DRINK & DRIVE” policy for drivers of vehicles that entre plant nor security checks with any meter.
Security staff does not check following for the vehicles entering factory premises;
• Spark arrestor of vehicles
• Transport Emergency Cards (TEMCARDS)
• Condition of gas Cylinders (Whether cylinders are received with caps or without caps)
a) Prepare a list of checks that security staff should perform for safety
b) Train security staff about ‘Why’ and ‘How to check’ for safety reasons
5.14.5.House Keeping:
The housekeeping in the facility has a scope for improvement. At several places unwanted material is found stacked in untidy manner, at times blocking corridors, and aisles.
a) The management should introduce good housekeeping competition / checklist for each section of the facility.