This review describes benefits and drawbacks when ICT
was used for communication in home care. A variety of
ICT applications are described in the review. Bardram et al.
[23] stated that ICT applications used in home care must
take into consideration the role technology should play in
the use of patient and healthcare professionals. Neglecting
this aspect may lead to technology that not provide the
needed support for communication. According to Koch et al.
[25], research and practice of health-enabling and ambientassistive
technologies may significantly contribute to that
technical solutions are explored in a social context and
in relation to individual needs. Telehealth systems in the
form of online and mobile tools are already opening up
the possibilities for reduced hospitalization and an increased
home care [26]. Various ICT applications will thereby offer
healthcare professionals to become more flexible and able to
address the differing needs of individual patients [27], that is,
a more person-centred care.
The results of this review show that people living with
chronic illnesses and healthcare professionals were positive to