It is Awfull here!
But I have to stay here at least for a few weeks. They observe you all the time & staff makes notes to report your behaviour & attitude. If Negative it has bad influence on your behaviour
Herw stay in one small office complex about 26 men & 8 woman. Strictly separated. In different wings/sides of the building.
It is a daily mess here and far most are/have a "low-life" but survives mentality. It is survival of the "strongest" or the mist bad ones.
Sorry to say! But yes it is horrible here but my only way in and I have to pass this endurance test to get a better prescribed (earn) to a better & cleaner or independent place (apartment or home).....
I stay her now since Last Monday after arriving on Sunday in Amsterdam/ Schiphol.
On artival The office of the "Leger des Heils"/ Salvation Army was closed. I walked around all day. And in my "cold" Thai outfit I got a lot of attention & also warnings from Customs & Police that sleeping illegal at