Calcium chloride (LiCl2) or lithium chloride (CaCl2) as well as silica gel have strong capability to adsorb water, so they can be used together in chiller as composite adsorbent. Koptyug et al. [12] used Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) micro imaging technique to study water adsorption on a CaCl2/silica single pellet. The promising sorption properties of this material caused a high COP of 0.6 at desorption temperature of 90–95๐C [13]. The predicted maximum COP was 0.62 when the composite adsorbent was used in a single-bed system with a half cycle time of 50 min [14]. According to Saha [15], the cooling capacity and COP of a chiller using such composite adsorbent rise up to 20% and 25% respectively. San and Hsu's [16] results illustrated that the COP and SCP of adsorbers filled with composite adsorbent of CaCl2 in mesoporous silica gel (named as SWS-1L) could be increased by 51% and 38.4%, respectively, at the regeneration temperature of 120๐C. And the thermodynamic cooling using the silica gel containing 33 wt% CaCl2–water as working pair showed an exciting COP of 0.83 [17]. Gong et al. [18] impregnated lithium chloride with silica gel to make into composite adsorbent. For a novel adsorption chiller using such composite adsorbent, the COP and cooling capacity are 1.43 and 5.30 kW, respectively, at the hot water inlet temperature of 80๐C, cooling water inlet temperature of 30๐C, and chilled water inlet temperature of 20๐C.