Many people think that the grades decision to attend in the university. Some students worried about grades as well because it’s alternative to career. But grades in some school aren’t transparent. Some students read heaps of books, but the teacher gives them bad grades. Opposite students who ignore to read a book, get good grades. Some people said grades show yourself accountable.
If asked me, the high-grade is an advantage over low grades. It may be up to the standards of evaluation or grading of educational institutions, each of the schools which is different. Control quality of grading is a process that should be applied strictly. Education system in Thailand, a personal standpoint that grades judge the quality or incompetence of the people or not? The answer is yes, but it's not a certainty exceeding all the factors used to judge people and recruitment. If we said about the justice of grades, it really fair or not?
GPA isn’t an indicator of future judgment. However you decide to separate your own future.