Hironobu and the others run after the flying Dark Satan.
Since this is the enemy territory they have to settle this as soon as possible.
However, no matter how much their status is strengthened, they can’t easily catch up with the opponent flying over the sky.,
Still, they can do nothing but pursue Dark Satan to confirm the truth.
「Dammit, can we also fly using something?」
Hironobu speaks out his annoyance.
「It’s better to catch up with him with normal magic than having the ability to fly.」
Ayaka denied it.
「HAHAHA~! That’s right, you can’t catch up to me」
Hearing their conversation, Dark Satan turned to Hironobu and laughed.
「Ah~ Geez! You’re really annoying! Take this!」
Fairy shoots out magic but it was easily avoided.
「Calm down, don’t take the enemy’s provocations」
Youko controlled Fairy’s hand who’s continuously firing off magic.
She then talked to Hironobu.
「Dark Satan might be leading us to somewhere」
「Leading…Do you think it’s a trap?」
Youko nodded at him.
「That’s right. This is like a garden for the enemy so he should’ve been away if he’s seriously escaping」
「I see, certainly it is」
However, Hironobu shook his head
「But we would get nothing if we backed down. We’ll break the trap and defeat that guy」
「Well said! Then I will also stand in battle」
Margrit was aspired by the fighting spirit burning from Hironobu’s words.
「Got it. But please don’t die. The alliance might be broken if you do」
He said that as a joke and she returned a laugh.
「I can assure you that kind of enemy isn’t much for our country」
Then Margrit sprang up.
「In the first place shooting that annoying guy is a trap. You’re the aim if he snipes, take care」
「I will be protecting Hironobu-sama!」
Firana said and moved next to him.
She who has a peculiar magic has the best defense magic among all the members.
「You’re so reliable that I can’t think of you as a princess.」
She laughs while saying so then turned around and started running.
「Okay, let’s follow Margrit-san. Don’t let down your guard everyone!」
All members increased the speed of their pursuit as per Hironobu’s instructions.
「Tsk, but just a bit more…!」
While Dark Satan sees that the distance gradually shortens, he continued to fly.
Then, he entered a desserted house in a big church on the site immediately.
「Die! Humans!」
The wall of the church in front of Hironobu collapsed at the same time he said that.
Then there’s something that flew out from the cloud of dust.
「They’re still here!?」
「Hironobu-sama, here」
Firana who was cautious beforehand protected Hironobu with her defensive magic.
As thought, the attack was aimed at him so Firana’s magic was able to turn it over.
It seems that it was a cannonball of rock or something.
「Did it fail?…But don’t think that it’s the last of it」
Dark Satan said that and jumped into the cloud of dust.
Immediately after a huge shadow appeared from the second floor of the collapsed church building.
「That’s…A golem?」
Ayaka withdrew from the hugeness of it.
「That’s right! This Giant Golem given to me by the Maou-sama will send you to hell!」
When Dark Satan who’s on the shoulder of the Giant Golem waved his hand, the golem swing down his pillar-like arm.