Nursing Process
The nurse is the diagnosis, treatment and the person's response. Family and Community The current health issues or problems that may occur in the future, the process of living and nursing care is also a scientific process to solve problems and meet the needs of the clients, which include.
1) Assessment (Assessment), including data collection. Data analysis The data were then assessed to see whether any data that indicates a problem in nursing. Or clinical diagnosis itself
2) diagnosis of Nursing (Nursing diagnosis) to determine the text that represents a health condition or response to a change if the sacristy of health services. Physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being of current or impending analysis of the data collected.
3) Planning Nursing (Planning) provide guidelines for the practice of nursing, the nursing activities that can be practiced legally. The plan is divided into two parts: the nursing effect will occur or that expected objectives and guidelines of nursing.
4) Nursing Practice (Implement) consists of three main activities, namely reviewing the practice of nursing care and nursing.
5) Evaluation of nursing (Evaluation) is a process going on to compare the condition of the patients that have changed their goals or objectives set or not. The nurse and the patient will be assessed together. The evaluation criteria are mainly in comparison.
Nursing process is so important in the practice of nursing to patients so that patients receive the correct treatment steps and also allows for more effective treatment. We see that the nursing process in each step, except we use the scientific process, we use the spirit of a man on in the practice of nursing.
From where I was a student nurse, one nurse that processes used in the practice of nursing in very useful, both to themselves and to patients. To meet the needs of patients, because each step of the nursing process. In addition we will perform, then we must have the cooperation of the patient to understand the treatment in the same way and allows for easy and effective treatment.