The meaning of business travel is a trip undertaken for work or business purposes, as opposed to other types of travel, such as for leisure purposes or regularly commuting between one's home and workplace but business travel is someone assign at the command of his or her employer to perform the duties of a job. For example in which an employee may assign such travel is for training that such as a trip to attend the meeting, seminar that the business activities is the main aim, at the same time, it may be a recreation components. This type of travel is temporary that is not “relocation” that is typically permanent. Moreover, there are also many situations in which an employee working may need to travel for his or her employer. More business travel may be required in some situations such as flights to other cities or countries. Some companies may need employees to travel extensively to work with individuals in other offices and providing training or services to assist those locations.
Businesses typically reimburse employees for business travel, or provide them with funds in advance to cover travel costs. For example, Airline tickets are often purchased for employees by a company, and the costs for hotel rooms and food while traveling are typically provided. Additional travel expenses for may also be covered, especially for charges that are made as part of an employee’s work. So, income from this type of tourism are very high. Because this type of tourists travel throughout the year.