did you ever wonder ? why on the 14 th april is an official holiday. many people think that day it's a songkran festival holiday only. actually, on the 14 th april it's a thai's family holiday.
the origin of thai's family day is; thai people emphasize with a family and gratefulness. in the past, thai people lived a relative family. but, lifestyle of thai's family is changed now. family member move to different province to work and leave they parents alone. As a result on the 31 october in 2532 the government announced on the 14th april of every years as an official holiday. Thai's families day not different from the spirit of christmas because they both bring families back together. The most people will back homeland to visit their parents and relative. They do an activities that make a good family relationship such as they spend time together for talking, traveling, party, make a merit to predecessor and so on.
Thai's people think a family is the most important in our life because nobody can loves we more than our family. Then on thai's family holiday you should concentrate on your family. If you and your parents live in another province or country. You should phone them up or visit to take care of them. Anyway, although, the government specify thai's family day on the 14th april but we should mindful our family everyday.