in our life, we always meet a number of people. Some of them remain with us for long time, some of them remain with us for some time. With some of them we walk for a long path, with some of them we walk for a short path. With few of them we may walk for a long or a short path but they will remain with us forever, in our heart!
One of such a person, to me, is Ileana Rosso.
I had the opportunity to share with her the last 5 years of my professional life with Isoil and appreciate her solar character and vitality as well as her professionalism and competence.
Time has come for her to take a different path, enjoy her family and grandkid and plan lot of good things for the long rest of her life. She will be retiring on Friday May 29th.
I’ll miss Ileana a lot and many of you who had opportunity to meet and know her personally I’m sure will miss her as well.
And I am sure all of you will join us in wishing Ileana all the best for the future.
Ciao “Ile”!
Simona Rimoldi, with us since 8 months now, will officially take all of the tasks formerly in charge to Ileana. Many of you are already in touch with Simona, once again welcome to Simona in this challenging position.