Detailed botanical.
Family Menispermaceae.
Scientific name Tinospora crispa (L.) Miers ex Hook.f.
The name of Thailand Tinospora cordifolia
The local name - Chung Ling to (urban) - climber's Hueg Nanjing (North) Chet information thorns (Khai) the value of vehicles intended Etahawdgwn (Saraburi) tail (Saraburi Ubon Ratchathani).Characteristics of Botany, wood sawing, solid, long hair 15 m. smooth stem is blister has long white, bitter, has long roots like yarn
leaves, single by winding switch is often the heart, oval or rounded, wide wide 6-12 (- 24) cm long, 7-14 (-25) cm.Base sharp long end known as heart deep or shallow, meat like a sheet of paper, some are the leaves below sometimes find the flat fork along the base of leaf veins. Leaf veins from the leaf base shape cut hand 3-5 line and a branch line from leaves again 1-3 pairs. Petiole length.Cm.Swelling and is related to the flower bouquet
branches are old, no leaves, often when the leaves fall flowering, it is 2-3 bouquet of small slender long 2-4 mm. Sepals wrote the color light. Outside there is 3 petals oval thick base 1-1.5 mm long.In a 3 petals oval petals or stem base is sharp, long 3-4 mm. Petals are 3 petal petals outside only evolved, the spear back to narrow. Flat, no blister long 2 mm, the inner petals degenerate anthers. 6 2 mm long with a bouquet of female flowers. 2-6 cm longMost of what a single forked. Female flowers. Sepals and petals similar to male flower, stamen is a fake 6 a narrow wedge, long about 1 mm. Pistil is 3 an ellipsoid 2 mm long stigma lobe is very short!The bouquet is like a normal 1.5-2 cm stem to form semi pyramids. 2-3 mm long south down a pet that stuck petals oval, long 2 mm. Curved back. Fresh fruit orange oval 2 cm long wall, the inner white oval 7-9 mm long 11-13 mm wide.Skin wrinkled little or almost smooth, have it the top clear, an opening at the top, a small oval Leaves Leaves alternate spiral Often heart-shaped, oval or round shape with a 6-12 (-24) cm long, 7-14 (-25) cm long, tapering cone. The need is heart-shaped, deep or shallow, sheet-like body, usually on the bottom leaves are sometimes found on the skin between the base of the leaves flat. Leaves from the base line and a hand towel with a 3-5, 1-3 match nerves petiole 5-15 (-30) cm swelling and Elbow. A bouquet of flowers on leafless branches that usually bloom when the leaves fall down a bunch of small, slender 2-3 to 2-4 mm. Sepals แki light unit has three outer petals oval, long, thick at the base. 1-1.5 mm. The band has three lobes oval to rod or cone, pointed petals 3-4 mm long. The petals have three outer petals, leaves only grow. Lanceolate to narrow flat blister 2 mm. The inner petals are six stamens reduced to 2 mm long. The female inflorescences 2-6 mm long. The flowers are mostly caused by a single prong. female flower petal-like sepals and male flowers. There are six stamens forging a narrow wedge shaped length of about 1 mm. Pistil with 3 long and 2 mm oval. Female stigma lobe is very short. The result is a bouquet with a long peduncle 1.5-2 cm with the shaft of a semi-pyramid 2-3 mm long. South down the calyx attached elongated oval 2 mm. Curved back fresh. Orange Oval 2 cm in the walls white, wide oval, 7-9 mm long. 11-13 mm. The skin is slightly wrinkled. Or nearly flat At the top, there's the obvious. A small oval opening at the top.Indication/use "-a bunch of glasses with a slice to eat honey or honey in fever take care (people)
A drug network in conjunction with pain medications is phachensangkhat bones or frozen water would cure a cold drink, honey (City)
-A lead with Neem spray is used in combination with insect infested trees planted (City)
-Chicken eating, resolving the symptoms of the absorption (people) am lonely.
Slice network is frozen, dried sheets. In the urine of people, fighting cock eat Increase the physical capacity (people)
-All parts of the plant are used as a maintenance medication cure fever, tetanus, Disan disease. Appetite pills Cure malaria
Drinking boiled stems to help digest food, body treatments would cure malaria. Fever is a sweat-driven medicine. Solving the heat very well solve the cholera Cure diarrhea fever chapsan External washing eyes. Wash the wound caused by the disease sifilit
The body is wound pain wraps the ghost country resolution fix. Fix contusion
The physical and chemical characteristics:
Moisture content not exceeding 11% w/w quantity does not exceed 2% w/nasal w ash not more than 7% of the total quantity of w/w in acid insoluble ash quantity not exceeding 0.5% w/w quantity of ethanol extract. Not less than 5% w/w water extract. Not less than 10% w/w quantity bitter substances quinine hydrochloride by calculating the relative to no less than 210 units per gram.
Thailand: drugs, there are textbooks vine bitterness held all kinds of cool fever cure poison as appetite bitter smallpox. Tom drinks so that they grow the food. Maintenance maintenance light that helps to release bile gastritis cure body treatments to fix minor glitch fix malaria is drug-driven sweat. Solving the heat very well reduce pathology-driven blood sugar cure cholera. Fix diarrhoea fever chapsan hold the heat makes cold meat blood makes the cold-blooded resolve disability. External washing eyes. Wash the wound caused by the disease sifilit All parts of the plant. Take care to resolve drug fever, tetanus, Disan disease. Appetite pills Cure malaria
Tinospora cordifolia in Thailand drugs textbooks "triyanrot coordinates" is to limit the number of pills that make knowledge easily with 3 pieces cuisine Neem Foundation. Vine boraphet Yow fever Fire, toxic, hot drive maintenance maintenance light phlegm expulsion that urine is "5 types of fever medication coordinates" is to limit the number of pills with a fever 5 root root Ta guys ya Nang. The root and cassia chingchi all 5 cars boraphet Anita fever hot venom
Textbook of Ayurveda: India is used as medication temperature vine, as well as a good chingchachali said that fever is not a normal element is equal to singkhona to fix a disease about urinary tract cure inflammation cure symptoms kreng.
The format and method of use:
Treat the fever: approximately 1-1 1/2 feet (2.5 creep), weight 30-40 grams by the pound. Slightly squeeze out water, drinking water or boiled with water, remove the 3 parts 1 part out, or grind the powder makes a poem take 2 before breakfast, dinner.
It relieves boredom: the growing vine that used about 1-1 1/2 feet (2.5 creep), weight 30-40 grams by the pound. A little bit of water boiled with water, squeeze out the water or remove the 3 parts 1 part out, or grind the powder makes a poem take 2 before breakfast, dinner.
Chemical elements:
The cars have a bitter alkaloid group compounds picroretin, tinosporidine, picroretroside, columbin tinosporine, aya tinosporan, Internet Directory climbing category substance name columbin El has a N-trans-feruloyl N-cis-feruloyl, tyramine substances tyramine phenotypes airport codes remote site is tinoluberide.
The study of Pharmacology: official
To stimulate the heart Reduce fever, decreased blood sugar anti-inflammatory resistance Anti-bacterial solution anti-bacterial broilers bacteria
Clinical studies:
There are no data.
The official toxicology studies:
Acute toxic test of vine extract with ethanol 50% by eating mice in 10 g per 1 kg body weight (as compared to the size of 1786 in people), and to the South by injection into the skin in a 10 g per 1 kg body weight was not detected toxic symptoms.
Chronic toxic study of ethanol extract with tinospora cordifolia in white mice's cars. I found that when high doses and extracts, for long periods of time can cause the symptoms of abnormal functioning of liver and kidney. Therefore, if you apply the tinospora cordifolia and experience symptoms of abnormal liver and kidney should work to stop the use of this herb, and do not use on patients with complications, liver enzyme defects or patients with a history of liver or kidney disease.
The physical and chemical characteristics:
Moisture content not exceeding 11% w/w quantity does not exceed 2% w/nasal w ash not more than 7% of the total quantity of w/w in acid insoluble ash quantity not exceeding 0.5% w/w quantity of ethanol extract. Not less than 5% w/w water extract. Not less than 10% w/w quantity bitter substances quinine hydrochloride by calculating the relative to no less than 210 units per gram.
Thailand: drugs, there are textbooks vine bitterness held all kinds of cool fever cure poison as appetite bitter smallpox. Tom drinks so that they grow the food. Maintenance maintenance light that helps to release bile gastritis cure body treatments to fix minor glitch fix malaria is drug-driven sweat. Solving the heat very well reduce pathology-driven blood sugar cure cholera. Fix diarrhoea fever chapsan hold the heat makes cold meat blood makes the cold-blooded resolve disability. External washing eyes. Wash the wound caused by the disease sifilit All parts of the plant. Take care to resolve drug fever, tetanus, Disan disease. Appetite pills Cure malaria
Tinospora cordifolia in Thailand drugs textbooks "triyanrot coordinates" is to limit the number of pills that make knowledge easily with 3 pieces cuisine Neem Foundation. Vine boraphet Yow fever Fire, toxic, hot drive maintenance maintenance light phlegm expulsion that urine is "5 types of fever medication coordinates" is to limit the number of pills with a fever 5 root root Ta guys ya Nang. The root and cassia chingchi all 5 cars boraphet Anita fever hot venom
Textbook of Ayurveda: India is used as medication temperature vine, as well as a good chingchachali said that fever is not a normal element is equal to singkhona to fix a disease about urinary tract cure inflammation cure symptoms kreng.
The format and method of use:
Treat the fever: approximately 1-1 1/2 feet (2.5 creep), weight 30-40 grams by the pound. Slightly squeeze out water,