A plea for mutual understanding with regards to ending my duties as an employee for To who it may concern, I, Dr. Niyom Physopha Director of Koksawang Prachassan school Nakhon Phanom Province Kingdom of Thailand, former employer of Mr. Dugarson Gaius Tong Atud (former employee) of Cameroonian nationality with passport number 0069276 , hereby give him the permission to seek employment elsewhere at any province in the kingdom of Thailand.
Mr Dugarson Gaius Tong Atud was a tutor in English for communication for the past academic year 2014-2015 and did a great job. Due to financial impediments, both parties, (former employer and former employee) have reached an understand to let the former employer Mr. Dugarson Gaius Tong Atud seek employment elsewhere and when he does find a vacancy, we grant him permission to change our work permit from our schools name to the name of which ever school he finds willing and ready to work with.