Formal weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly reviews of company performance are conducted to analyze progress relative to goals, trend comparisons to goal, correlations, plans, and changing business needs.The frequency of analysis varies based on process cycles. As results are analyzed, adverse trends are analyzed for root causes. These analyses and results support performance reviews, strategic plans, and action plans.
Operational performance results from key stakehold- ers and business processes are included in the Weekly Key Indicator Report. Results are reviewed weekly by the MC. Organizational effectiveness results are
reviewed during day-long monthly business review meetings. Weekly and monthly MC meetings are forums in which members analyze performance success and progress toward short- and long-term goals (Leadership System Step 4), consider and develop actions to respond to opportunities for improvement, key stakeholder requirements, the marketplace or industry. Areas for improvement are prioritized using the Mission and Core Ideology as guides. The Weekly Key Indicator Report and KI analyses are used to make fact- based decisions and to ensure that measures and results continue to support accomplishment of SFF’s objectives.