Abstract of Dissertation
Identifying Leadership Potential:
The Process of Principals within a Charter School Network
The importance of strong educational leadership for American K-12 schools
cannot be overstated. As such, school districts need to actively recruit and develop
leaders. One way to do so is for school officials to become more strategic in leadership
identification and development. If contemporary leaders are strategic about whom they
identify and develop as the next generation of educational leaders, they can be more
confident of future success. However, studying the process of identifying teachers with
leadership potential is new territory for educational researchers. This is not the case in
business literature in which the study of talent management is an established trend. In
this study, the researcher applied identified principles of talent management and
identification from the business world to the field of education. The result was a
narrative case study designed to explore the process principals in a charter school
network use to identify potential leaders among their teaching staff and to understand
how principals’ personal experiences being identified as leaders influences their current
practice of leadership identification.
In this study, there was evidence of a wide-range of processes principals use to
identify teachers with leadership potential. These processes ranged on a spectrum from
very concrete, systematic methods of leadership identification to identification based on
instinct or intuition. Further, principals used two steps, either exclusively or collectively,
to inform leadership identification. These steps included a review of an individual’s past
performance and a prediction of his or her future leadership abilities. Finally, in each
case studied, the past experiences of the principals being identified as leaders shaped their
current practice. Their leadership identification process was heavily influenced by the
principals’ own leadership abilities, personal and professional characteristics,
experiences, and mode of assuming leadership. The parallels between existing and future
school leaders have important implications for the charter school network involved in this
study and should be considered in future research.
Abstract of Dissertation
Identifying Leadership Potential:
The Process of Principals within a Charter School Network
The importance of strong educational leadership for American K-12 schools
cannot be overstated. As such, school districts need to actively recruit and develop
leaders. One way to do so is for school officials to become more strategic in leadership
identification and development. If contemporary leaders are strategic about whom they
identify and develop as the next generation of educational leaders, they can be more
confident of future success. However, studying the process of identifying teachers with
leadership potential is new territory for educational researchers. This is not the case in
business literature in which the study of talent management is an established trend. In
this study, the researcher applied identified principles of talent management and
identification from the business world to the field of education. The result was a
narrative case study designed to explore the process principals in a charter school
network use to identify potential leaders among their teaching staff and to understand
how principals’ personal experiences being identified as leaders influences their current
practice of leadership identification.
In this study, there was evidence of a wide-range of processes principals use to
identify teachers with leadership potential. These processes ranged on a spectrum from
very concrete, systematic methods of leadership identification to identification based on
instinct or intuition. Further, principals used two steps, either exclusively or collectively,
to inform leadership identification. These steps included a review of an individual’s past
performance and a prediction of his or her future leadership abilities. Finally, in each
case studied, the past experiences of the principals being identified as leaders shaped their
current practice. Their leadership identification process was heavily influenced by the
principals’ own leadership abilities, personal and professional characteristics,
experiences, and mode of assuming leadership. The parallels between existing and future
school leaders have important implications for the charter school network involved in this
study and should be considered in future research.
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