Kill Alex Cros is a great mystery and action book about the president's children getting kidnapped. after hearing about how James Patterson is a good writer, I was excited about reading this book. The major theme of this book is the kidnapping of the president's children and the terrorists' attacks of Washington D.C. They are revealed by the events happening throughout the book and developed by the details surrounding them. The theme is psychological on purpose because the terrorists'/ Its related because it still has to do with terrorist attacks and the children. So far this book has me on my toes but there plenty more to talk about. Like the setting, which is the famous Washington D.C. It has a significant role because that's where the president lives obviously and that's like a hotspot for terrorist especially because of the government being there. I liked the book because it had me on the edge of my seat and it had so many mysteries to be solved. It was surprising and shocking! I would read another Patterson book because of the thriller and mystery he puts into his books. I would recommend this book to people who love mystery and action/adventure.