Primary Causes for Era Changes
I'm not just being poetic with that metaphor: the creative core at the studio means everything in terms of what gets done. John Lasseter has said that during his first stint at Disney in the early 1980s, the studio had, due to retirements of the top talent and the immense seniority of the remnants, degenerated into the hands of "B-animators" who were what remained of the old-timers after the famous "Nine Wise Men" had retired. Now, Lasseter may have personal reasons for denigrating his bosses from those days, but you often can find a common thread among Disney eras by looking at who is making creative decisions when something else more obvious (war, recession) isn't present. People make the difference: you may have a good team today, but lose a few (sometimes unknown) movers and shakers for one reason or another, and everything can "inexplicably" turn sour.
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