Plant growth pattern and harvesting. The cattails were subjected to shock loading and water
deficiency during the early stage of Phase 1a (Apr 97 – Dec 97) but they could survive and grow
well afterwards upon full acclimatization. The growth patterns of cattails were seriously hampered
during the beginning of Phase 1b (Dec 97 to Jan 98). At the highest SLR of 500 kg/m2
.yr, the cattail
plants appeared to be severely affected and required a relatively long period (1 – 2 month) to
recover and become healthy again. At the beginning of Phase 2a (Feb 98 to May 98), the cattails
were only 1.5-1.8 m in height, only. After acclimatization and 4 months of operations, the cattails in
CW units were harvested at the height of 3.6 - 4.0 m., relatively high as compared to the cattail
plants in the natural water body.
The cattails showed signs of wilting at the initial stage of operation with once-a-week loading and
were shocked at SLR higher than 250 kg TS/m2
.yr. At twice-a- week application, the cattails grew
slightly better because only half of the weekly septage load was loaded at each application. The
cattail plants were adapted to septage and exhibited a healthy growth pattern even at once-a-week
application after one year of operation.