January 30, 2014
From: Professor Raghu Echempati
To: All FIET Ph.D. students
Regarding: Homework for this week end
Please use this sheet to write your answers to each question using your own words (mixed English/Thai is okay). E-mail me your answers and bring a copy of this on Monday for discussion.
1. Have you heard about Flipped Classroom? Write in your own words.
2. After hearing today’s lecture, do you think that you have used the flipped classroom concept in your classes now or in the past? What are your experiences and comments about this?
3. What is blended or hybrid learning? Write in your own words.
4. After hearing today’s lecture, do you think that you use blended learning?
5. What is the difference between a flipped classroom technology and blended learning? Are they the same?
6. Write the titles of the most recent two or three Ph.D. topics done at FIET in your area or department.
7. Write the name of the journals, if any, these Ph.D. students published their papers along with the title of the paper, year of publication and names of all authors.
8. If there are no papers, go to library and find at least three or four names of journals and papers in your area of specialty (department) that FIET Ph.D. students published papers.