The small baby dragon went to and fro along the lake and the woods. As time flowed by, her movements gradually became more and more agile, her limbs growing stronger. At the beginning, she fell over once every few steps, then later on she could dexterously hop from cobblestone to cobblestone. The sunlight gradually dimmed to the west. When the golden sunset was completely hidden by the woods, the rays of light were swallowed by the darkness of night. Yi Longlong also put a thick cover over her food rations.
The soft, silvery blue grass intertwined exuded a fragrance of jasmine. This fragrance weaved together with the sweet smell from the egg shells, forming a very pleasant aroma. While the silvery edges of the grass were not eye catching during the day, at night the grass radiated tiny specks of starry lights. Looking from afar, it was as if tiny stars had gathered together on their beds.
Although it wasn’t much of a bed for now, it was very fun to sleep under the star-studded night sky.
Yi Longlong was open and optimistic.
The lake was like the serene eyes of the woods. The bright sea of stars was reflected from the depths of its pupil. Even though it was a dark night, it was not the least bit scary. Silvery lights floated from the silver-edged grass all around, as if the stars from the night sky had sunk down to the depths of the forest.
Yi Longlong sprung from her feet, her body falling into the soft straws of grass. The light jasmine fragrance wrapped all around her, and the soft grass soothed her tired body.
Although not many things were accomplished today, having only procured a set of clothing and laying out a place to sleep, when tomorrow comes she will continue working hard. She will find even more food, and an even safer and comfortable home.
It didn’t matter whether it was human or dragon, both still needed to live and take care of themselves. Being able to continue living was already the biggest fortune. She needed to enjoy her human life to the fullest… Uh, her dragon life to the fullest.
There will be bread. There will also be Sanlu1.
With a hint of a smile, Yi Longlong fell into a deep slumber.