The identification of hazards, risk assessment/ environmental aspect identification& impact determination and management of the risk/ impact in order to achieve the HSE a goal is incorporated into the general management principles and working procedure. The system is designed to identify hazards/ environmental aspects during associated with construction activities and execution of the work. In addition, the system is also designed to cover identification of hazard/ environmental aspect in the facilities.
The planning, identification and communication of risk assessment/ environmental aspect & impact determination and risk/ impact management takes place in a number of forums, e.g.
- Routine and non-routine activities.
- Department meeting.
- Supervision of work activities.
- Job Safety Analysis (JSA).
- Internal, second party and third party audits.
- Management review meetings.
- Planned inspection and patrol.
- Project and contract meetings
All project employees and line supervisors are responsible for identification and elimination of hazards/ environmental aspects.
Communications of hazards/ environmental aspects and controls: individuals identifying a hazard/ environmental aspect are responsible for taking immediate action and eliminate the hazard/environmental aspect it selves whenever possible. If unable to eliminate the hazard/ environmental aspect, the individual will ensure that the situation is highlighted as a warning to others and will notify concerned supervisor, HSE personnel or management to initiate the corrective action.
The recording of hazards/ environmental aspects identification and corrective actions taken or planned will be maintained in a number of ways, e.g. JSA records, Accident reports, HSE Audit Reports, Inspection reports, Minutes of meetings, Tool box Talk records, etc. The HSE Department will maintain these records and, in addition, will maintain a Corrective Action Log, which will summarize all corrections, which have been identified and indicate the current status of corrective actions.
All outstanding corrective actions with regard to HSE record in the various records will be assigned to a responsible person for close-out and will be followed up by the HSE Department to ensure that they are closed out in a timely manner.
All hazards and risks/ environmental aspects and impacts identified will be reviewed and objectives and priorities set for their resolution. Personal will be identified as responsible for successful resolution in a timely manner.
The determination of controls uses the results of risk assessment/ environmental impact determination for consideration which is given to reduce the risks/ environmental impacts according to the following hierarchy as Elimination, Substitution, operational controls, Signage or warnings, PPE etc.