dear pung.....i hope that u will find your dreamman....but how could you develope such feelings towards me not even meet me once...? this itself shows some mental instability.....observe yourself....wishfull thinking etc....i dont say that i could not love you...i never did....but to love someone honestly you must meet that person in REAL not only on the internet...the internet can be a start to meet as soon as possible...if there is sympathy at this first meeting...more meetings and some activitys together could occur...when everything goes well and sx also fits both yes slowly love and a relationship can happen ...but not sure if it realy does.....see this women here in trat...u told me and i understood that we are friends only ( look back a few weeks ago what u wrote to me ) because our initial idea what a partnership/marriage should be is different TOO i accept u as a friend with whom i can talk everythink and i really enjoy this our skype chats alot and always was looking forward to them.....but as i said i look for a lady partner and so this trat women came in...well i met her well we had sx...but only to discover , even we had similair ideas about relationship , that we would not fit togethr....this type of financial take care is for me a red flag ...i am sure that partners should be equal in worth and take care each other ( share all the costs FAIR )...and stay on same level in respect....and i also cannot and want not afford to rent someone ...uaaghhhhhhhh..and this has nothing to do with my so called culture because many falang man do just this namely they try to buy love and with a thai lady this will work as long money is avaible ( from the man ) a slight problem occurs ( and in this type of situations repressed truth-self lie-means behave as it is a real relationship based on love and not on money where it is in REAL based on money only - work very hard to surface - this is rule of universe you know ) so proble finacial will arise and the lady is gone even after 20 years of marriage and of self eye opener that after a long time can kill a man....