Sky Alliance these people, very much had the opinion at heart, to cope with Hua Ling such selects the human, unexpectedly sent their more than 200 person to come, really dragged in too many people, waste time! Concerned about is Li Hangyun sends them to come, they do not dare to say anything.
However Li Hu Spiritual Stone that Nie Li delivers, distributes after the Sky Alliance people, they did not have the opinion.
Nie Li is really the straightforward atmosphere, has delivered so many Spiritual Stone all of a sudden, distributes in each individual hand, unexpectedly more than 50, run such, unexpectedly has such high income, they are very happy, this are more than Spiritual Stone that their one month gains. Thinks carefully that such, this Mr. Nie Li unexpectedly gets rid is ten thousand Spiritual Stone!
My heaven, this financial resource, were too astonishing!
To help Nie Li blocks off Hua Ling these people, Li Hangyun sent enough more than 200 person to come, indicated that attaching great importance to of Li Hangyun Nie Li, this Mr. Nie Li was not absolutely simple! They also mixed in Draconic Ruins Realm these many years, all people hurried to receive the heart of original contempt all of a sudden, did not have what resentment to this motion again!
Saw that Nie Li plunders toward Ling jade Deity’s Lake, Li Hu et al. had doubts looks to Nie Li, what does Nie Li run up to Ling jade Deity’s Lake to make?
Although Ling jade Deity’s Lake delivers Spiritual Stone, however one year also delivers several thousand, Nie Li gets rid is over ten thousand Spiritual Stone, will care selects Spiritual Stone?
Xiao Yu and Liu Piao wanted with coming up, but was stopped by calling out by Nie Li, Nie Li only one person arrived at Ling jade Deity’s Lake.
In Ling jade Deity’s Lake.
Sees only the both feet infiltration of Nie Li in pool of water, writes down Inscription Pattern rapidly.
Said that Inscription Pattern falls.
These Inscription Pattern bang enter bottom of Deity’s Lake unceasingly, the water splash splash, the pool of water bottom quickly has composed mysterious Inscription Pattern seal, entire Ling jade Deity’s Lake shivered fiercely.
In Inscription Pattern seal erupts the intensely bright ray unceasingly, in the profound pool of water, a shadow rose slowly, this shadow a little like is a snake, but actually not.
This is the Deity’s Lake source is. God Root in fable!
The Draconic Ruins Realm earth deep place will breed some mysterious has the intelligence thing, is called God Root, God Root breeds for several thousand years in the place bottom, has absorbed the essence of world. Has waited till certain time, it will be bringing the hill same soil, slowly rises airborne, has formed Deity’s Lake, in absorbs Heavenly Law Power between world unceasingly. Breeds Spiritual Stone at the same time, its oneself is also growing.
The average people do not know that existence of God Root, God Root hides in the deep soil, has the intelligence, was very difficult to find, once Deity’s Lake dried up, God Root baseless will also extinguish. Only then special Inscription Pattern seal, can pull slowly from the soil God Root.
Nie Li puts out a hand to grip God Root, sees only that God Root to keep struggling, is to escape likely.
To run. It is not easy!
The Nie Li right hand moves, has thrown into God Root ten thousand li (0.5km) landscape chart.
Finally caught first God Root!