There are a couple of issues that may surprise you. We have most if not all of the Development Licences (I actually think we have more information than Palm Hills Manageent does). In 1995/6 they agreed to assign the water supply to the local Government as soon as possible. The implication was a year or two.
In the meantime, it would seem that the developer agreed to only charge the prevailing rate that the local government was charging at the time - 4 baht.
There do not seem to be any documents changing this. But who knows?
Secondly, all projects in Thailand have three stages to them.
I. Planning Application
II. Development (all at the Developer’s expense)
III. Management of Resort
You will see in Attachment 4, a schematic of this.
The important point is that the Developer cannot move from Stage 2 to Stage 3, without Stage 2 being formally ‘Signed off’, the Developer discharged from his duties, and a Moo Bahn being properly appointed.
So there must be a formal piece of paper somewhere, approved and signed. We can’t find it.