equations (Ong et al., 2004). For other species, the root mass was
calculated using common allometric equations (Table 1). The
below-ground C pool was calculated as the sum of the belowground
root biomass and the sediment C pool. In the present study,
the depths for which the small variation in OC content and sediment
bulk density were 150–250 cm in depth for the sediment
cores from mangrove forests and 150–200 cm in depth for the sediment
cores from the mudflat (standard deviation (SD) of OC content:
0.03–0.4%; SD of sediment bulk density: 0.04–0.11 g cm3).
Therefore, the OC content over that depth range was averaged
and applied to the deeper sediment layers. The sediment C pool
was estimated following Eq. (1).
Sediment C pool ðMgC ha1Þ ¼ Sediment bulk density ðg cm3Þ
OC ð%Þ depth interval ðcmÞ
Ecosystem carbon storage was calculated by summing the
above- and below-ground C stocks. The total C storage of the
CGM region was scaled up by multiplying the total mangrove forest
area by the mean ecosystem C storage