space between the rows filled with small branches and brush (GIZ,
2011a). This will be referred to as the ‘KGBRP technique’.
The areas fenced by KGBRP also had Rhizophora apiculata
(R. apiculata) seedlings planted at a density of approximately seven
per m2, however survival rates were relatively low (8e26.8% after
three years) (GIZ unpublished data). In addition to this, 75 per cent
of the KGBRP fenced sites also had an additional silt trapping fence
halfway between the outer fence and the beginning of the rehabilitation
site (Fig. 1) (GIZ, 2011a). However, while there were also
sporadic, unrecorded attempts to plant R. apiculata seedlings at 50
per cent of the basic sites, no seedlings were ever established (GIZ
pers. comm.).
Prior to fencing in 2009 (GIZ, 2011b), all of the sites currently
undergoing rehabilitation were completely eroded and denuded of
trees. The impetus for the rehabilitation efforts was the loss of
ecosystem services that accompanied the degradation of these
sites. All measurements for the study were taken at this site between
the 11th June 2013 and the 17th July 2013. In total 13 sites
were assessed: four basic fenced sites; four KGBRP fenced sites, and
five old-growth forest sites (Fig.1). Sites were deemed independent
if they were separated by an alternative forest type. In some cases
the areas separating sites were not included in the study.