Figure 11 shows the changes in MSW treatment by processing type in Seoul: landfilling rate, which had
accounted for almost 100% until 1990, decreased from 93.6 % in 1991 to about 50% in 2000; recycling rate increased
from 6% to 44.5%; and incineration from 0.43% to 5.5% during the period. By the Recycling Promotion Act, all waste
generators have to pay for their waste generation except recyclable materials. Also, recyclable materials, such as paper,
bottles, steels, cans, and plastics, are separately collected. In 2000, 3,851 tons of materials and 1,197 tons of food wastes
were recycled. The breakdown of 3,851 tons is provided in Figure 12: paper 52% steels 22%; glass bottles 13%; plastics
7%; can 4%; and other 2%. 1,197 tons of food waste recycled were not included in this figure as it is classified as
combustible in waste streams in Korea