Comparison of recorded pain scores and pain medications administered To explore whether a child’s pain score influenced nurses’ choices about the pain-relieving interven- tion simple mented,the times of recorded pain scores and pain medications administered for each child were plotted. Data collected from Cases 3 and 5 are included as illustrations (Figures 1 and 2). Three nurses were involved in Case3 and four inCase5.The pain team in the hospital only cared for children on patient-controlled an algesia or epidurals and so were not involved with any of the children in this study. In Case 3, all nine pain scores recorded were 5 or greater (Figure 1). On four (44%) occasions no action was taken.On three(33%)occasions the dose of IV ketorolac due to be given at that time was administered. IV morphine was prescribed every 3 hrbutwasonlygivenfourtimes.Thesedoseswere given at intervals of 8–191/2 hr. On three of these