Indicators of previous spine fracture: Loss of height: A 2cm (3/4")
loss of height or an overall total loss of 6cm (2 1/2") from youth or a
curved back or kyphosis, or loss of 6cm or more from adult height;
less than 3 fingers space between the bottom rib and top of hip; and
on the wall test, the back of the head is more than 6 cm from the
wall, and a protuberant abdomen. Clients with vertebral fractures
are at high risk for re-fracture.
There are two comprehensive fracture risk assessment tools that can
be used in Canada to estimate an individual’s 10-year absolute risk
of fracture:
• The Canadian WHO Fracture Risk Assessment Tool (FRAX);
• Canadian Association of Radiologist and Osteoporosis Canada
Both can be accessed at