This section will be discussing on the feasibility study of the software interfaces design and system
functionalities of HeartPals. This is to acknowledge whether the proposed initial overall idea and the
concept of the system meets the potential users. The feasibility study will be assessed using several
parameters to verify the system requirements in different categories. During the planning stage,
understanding user’s requirements is very crucial and sometimes these important aspects are purposely
forgotten. A study by Avison and Fitzgerald [10] describes requirements as everything that is relevant that
stakeholders want from the system. Moreover, the importance of the user’s opinion on a digital product
has been verified by a study conducted by Novak et. al. [11], where the study has noted that users’
involvement is an important factor to be examined in the context of users’ requirements. The fundamental
feasibility study parameters merely focus on measuring the impact of producing a new product towards a
company's workflow. The basic parameters are technology feasibility, economy feasibility, operational
feasibility and legal feasibility. Nonetheless, the evaluation to assess users’ requirement towards a new
idea is not highlighted here, although users play important roles in determining whether a product is
worth buying or not. A good product must be comfortable to use and comply with all the requirements
stated by the potential users.