The statistical analysis was performed in SAS 9.2. The model validation was primarily done by evaluating the residuals (and the so-called studentized residuals) obtained after fitting the models for all three parameters (L*, a*, and b*). The plots used in the validation showed very similar patterns for the three parameters, and they will therefore be described simultaneously. Plotting the residuals or the observations against the predicted values showed no pattern indicating an inadequate model, and neither did a side-by-side plot of the centered fit and the residuals. The Q–Q plots and the histograms of the residuals indicated no violations of the assumption of normality and of homogeneity of variances. Thus we concluded that the models chosen describe the measurements appropriately. For a description of the diagnostic tools we refer to the SAS manual. Applying this model allows ascribing the variation in the color assessment of the meat samples to the different factors involved in the experiment; the method of measurement, meat type, processing, and sampling factors.