The calculation of earnings from economic enterprises is affected by accounting methods and estimates which
can be the subject of manipulations by managers, given the fact that these manipulations are informed by
special objectives. These objectives may be in line with effects on the weighted average cost of capital (WACC).
The present study investigates with an empirical approach the relationship between earnings management and
weighted average cost of capital in companies listed at Tehran stock exchange (TSE) between the years 2003
and 2009. The library method is used for gathering information. Earnings management is measured by accruals
which are divided into two groups: discretionary accruals and non-discretionary accruals. In order to promote
the validity of the study, the results are measured by two models (Dechow et al. model and Kasznik model) and
the hypotheses are tested by multivariate linear regression model based on firm-year method. In general, results
of hypothesis testing showed a weak yet significant inverse relationship between the weighted average cost of
capital and discretionary accruals, and an insignificant correl