My Friend Yao.
How are you doing my lovely Yao?
I am so sorry to reply you late, I was busy with my work, I am so much happy each time i read your email, you look beautiful and have a charming eyes, and am so happy that you have accepted me to be your special someone, It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love someone – but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. I just woke with this early morning with you on my mind. So, I sent a dove to wake you up and let you know how much I missed you. Has the bird arrived to you Yao? You mean everything to me Yao.
I wish to say that meeting you in life is the greatest adventure of my life and I pray that we grow from love to love. You are my strength when I am weak, my hope when my trust fails me. I wish I could stretch up my hands to touch you and make you feel the tense in me. Though distance has placed us apart, but you have a permanent place in my heart. I cannot wait to meet you soon. I will appreciate if you could give me your telephone number for easy communication and also for us to talk more and get to know each other much very well as if we are living together, I will like to hear your sweet voice and you also hear my Voice too, here is my phone number +44 703 198 1470 which you can reach me anytime you want!!!!.
Yao i am not seeking for a friendship, but to make you my wife. You see, since I met you, you have brought favor to me and good tidings. I don’t want to lose you to anyone else because my heart beats for you. You brought good luck to me and I will be happy to meet you in person.
I hope you are gonna be a good mum to our kids and be by my side as we both grow old together. If you are not meant for me, then no other lady is meant for me. I want to spend all my life time with you. Looking at your face every morning that i wake up, Is to See you put up beautiful smiles on your cute face. Falling in love with you is the second best things that happen in my life. Finding you is the first. My love is the second, I wish to let you know that you are all that i think about now. Though I'm a very busy man, but I make out my time to send you messages to show you how I care about you. You have occupied my mind No-matter whatever i do. I would still keep you in my heart.
Yao my love don’t let any of your female friends to be a third part between our relationship OK with me your future husband OK,I will like you to keep anything between us in your mind till we meet each other in person in Thailand OK. You have to meet your man by yourself and get to know your man, just as we are introducing our self to each other. That is how matured couples build their own house and called them self one family OK. I hope you understand me Yao?
Yao I love you with every beat of my heart. You have completed my search and I am not looking for any woman again in my life, GOD have giving us the opportunity to meet each other at by letting me to fine you as my happiness.
Hugs and kisses from your feeling love one.