NOTE: don’t bother sending me messages about this because they WILL be ignored. i’ve seen many inspirits get bashed for criticizing woollim and i (and a lot more than you think) have just finally gotten fed up with fandom worshiping a shitty company and never blaming them for things that go wrong. this is not under a read more because people NEED to see this.
we’re five years into infinite’s career and things are different than they were a few years ago, extremely different. this isn’t talking in relevancy terms (which doesn’t need any explaining), this is about how they’re being managed and treated now. woollim is not doing well at handling them at all, and it’s getting tiring seeing people still kiss lee jungyeop’s ass and praise woollim as the best company ever that’s so much better than all the others (looking at you, people who get whiny and bash sm every time the merger is brought up. that witch hunt on sujeong was the most ridiciulous thing i had ever seen). the way fans have woollim on some pedestal where they can do no wrong is gross - jungyeop has done wrong and will continue to do so no matter what happens.
first, shall we take a small look at the past scandals? tablo’s, myungsoo’s, jisoo’s, and tasty’s? the fan manager scandal (that caused jungyeop to delete his twitter after receiving a bunch of criticism)? all weren’t handled well and did more harm than good (this post will be long enough as it is so further elaboration on those is a post for another day, perhaps) yet people still claim woollim and jungyeop are so great! he totally cares about the artists! but is this really true?
let’s talk about the solos and subunits infinite have gotten. yes, it’s great that each member has the chance to do something and yes, no other company has done the same, but is it really for the better? woollim cares more about individual activities than the group, and some of those more than others. infinite’s may comeback was delayed due to sunggyu’s solo and hoya’s acting (nevermind the fact other members have filmed dramas while promoting before) - why did sunggyu have to come back before infinite themselves? other members had mentioned wanting a group comeback more than once, and yet that didn’t happen until july, even though songs started being recorded back in january. there was no reason for infinite’s comeback to be pushed back 3 months just for a member to get another solo, just as there was no reason for f, h, and sunggyu (two sub-units and one solo) to debut/comeback all in a row.
jungyeop says in this interview that the reason the units/solos exist is so the members will have long-term plans and are able to stay in the industry as long as possible. if you read through the whole thing, he also states infinite f never had plans for a korean debut and “heartbeat” was only going to be released as an ost for hi school love on. why did they have to promote a song used for an ost for their japanese promotions? promos which consisted of a few showcases and a show. korean promos? two weeks and they only attended three out of the seven music shows. sunggyu, h, and toheart all had two music videos while f got two music videos of the same exact song, just in a different language. sunggyu, h, and toheart had a decent amount of time for promotions. sunggyu, h, and toheart got an actual mini-album. during infinite effect, sungyeol asked the audience if they were bored with “heartbeat” since they keep performing it (just a reminder that it was the special stage for ogsr, which was 17 months ago). when they said no, he said they needed to say yes so f can release another album and get to promote something new, as that’s the only way they could’ve had a new song. if these units and solos exist so the boys can stay in the industry as long as possible, how are these half-assed promotions for f going to help any? how is anyone but h and sunggyu benefiting from this? let’s not even get into the fact that woohyun, despite asking for years and being one of the main vocals, still has yet to be given a solo when his supposed equal has had two already. all he’s gotten are a handful of self-composed songs on albums here and there and some osts.
this leads into something that causes a lot of controversy in the fandom: favoritism. some have realized it, some pitch a fit when it gets mentioned, and some deny it. when myungsoo was getting a lot of work, he had to reject offers. why? so infinite wouldn’t have one member whose popularity is so much above the others (see: miss a and suzy). fast-forward to 2015 where during his comeback, sunggyu received more activities within a couple of weeks than infinite themselves has had as a group in a year. he has been the only member to get as many variety show appearances as he has by himself. even during these promos for bad, he was on a show by himself. the only member to get one. where did that attitude of “not letting someone’s popularity overshadow the group’s” go? why did it apply to myungsoo but not sunggyu? why is sunggyu the only one that gets chance after chance after chance to be on variety shows by himself and not any of the others? you can bring myungsoo’s activities and popularity into this all you want, since some of you are definitely thinking it, but you can’t say it was this bad with him. it wasn’t, plain and simple. no matter how much you want to deny it or not want to believe it, there is favoritism in woollim. this is not bashing sunggyu at all whatsoever, before some of you get defensive. nothing bad is being said about sunggyu himself - this is just pointing out facts and blaming woollim for not treating all the members equally when they claim that they do and that popularity doesn’t matter. if it doesn’t matter then why is only one member getting a significant amount of work more than the others?
from the time infinite debuted up until paradise, they used the tactic of constant promotions to gain popularity. they had 5 promotions (come back again, btd, nothing’s over, be mine, paradise) in a year and a half. it worked, certainly, due to them hitting gold with be mine. now infinite only comes back once a year. infinitize (the chaser) and new challenge (man in love - which most international fans hate since it’s a cute concept, but the album sales don’t lie) are their best selling albums for a reason: they came out when they were at their peak. sadly, they’re never going to sell that much again and that’s because their popularity is declining. fans can deny it all they want and try to come up with “sources” saying otherwise, but it’s the truth and people need to face it. inspirits seriously overestimate infinite’s popularity. all those articles about infinite effect seoul selling out in 10 minutes? all lies and media play. if you look at pictures from the concerts you can see plenty of empty seats and the entire upper level of the stadium was unused.
infinite come back once a year and while they do well, it’s only due to the fans they’ve already had. they get buried under other groups that are now using the same plan of constant promotions and gain new fans. the industry is already so saturated with groups debuting all the time that the only way you’re going to get fans is if you do something to keep their interest, something domestic. but woollim is complacent - they think one half-assed comeback a year is going to keep the fans they have when that’s very well not the case at all.
there was once a time when infinite were cf kings and had advertising deals with a bunch of companies, such as nike, elite, natuur pop, fila, and perhaps most notably, samsung, with whom they did request and who sponsored one great step. these days, infinite’s only cf contract is with lotte chilsung pepsi. cfs and sponsorships are an entertainers bread and butter in korea. myungsoo is the only member with a solo cf deal (from china even, so it’s not even relevant to korean popularity) and makes the most money as a result. the fact they went from all these contracts to one in less than a year is an indicator that they’re losing ground with both fans and the general public.
now, all of this doesn’t mean infinite should go back to how they used to be and promote 3 or 4 times a year. of course not, they were overworked then and still are now, but that’s not due to actual korean promotions - it’s because of all the concerts they do. infinite say they want to be concert-dols, but is doing so many helping them any if they’re not gaining any popularity? especially when there are only a few changes (if that) in the setlist? in the past two years alone they’ve done ogsr, tsc2, the dilemma tour, and now infinite effect. how about we take a look at everything the boys have done since debut.
2010: you are my oppa filming, come back again and she’s back promotions, days of infinite filming, isac, award shows, gayos ( + dongwoo filming wowman)
2011: btd promotions, nothing’s over promotions, be mine promotions, sesame player filming, paradise promotions, birth of a family filming, btd japanese promotions, isac (twice), award shows, gayos ( + sungyeol filming while you were sleeping, myungsoo filming jiu, woohyun on immortal song, myungsoo voice acting for wara store).
2012: second invasion, second invasion evolution, be mine japanese promotions, the chaser promotions, ranking king filming, that summer concert, japanese arena tour, isac (twice), award shows, gayos ( + woohyun and sunggyu in gwanghwamun sonata, sunggyu’s solo debut, myungsoo filming sufbb and what is mom, hoya filming reply 1997, woohyun filming the thousandth man, sunggyu on immortal song).
2013: man in love promotions, destiny mv filming in america, destiny promotions, man in love japanese promotions, one great step, isac (twice), gayos, award shows ( + infinite h’s debut, sungyeol filming laws of the jungle and love potential, sunggyu filming the genius and high society, myungsoo
หมายเหตุ: อย่ายุ่งส่งฉันข้อความเกี่ยวกับเรื่องนี้เนื่องจากจะถูกละเว้น เคยเห็นหลาย inspirits รับ bashed สำหรับวิจารณ์ woollim และฉัน (และมากขึ้นกว่าที่คุณคิด) ได้เพียงสุดท้ายรับเบื่อหน่าย fandom worshiping บริษัท shitty และไม่ blaming สำหรับสิ่งที่ไม่ถูกต้อง นี้ได้ภายใต้อ่านเพิ่มเติมเนื่องจากคนต้องการเห็นเราห้าปีในอาชีพของอนันต์ และสิ่งแตกต่างกว่าปีที่ผ่านมา แตกต่างกันมาก นี้ไม่ได้พูดคุยในเงื่อนไขรา (ซึ่งไม่ต้องอธิบายใด ๆ) นี้เป็นเรื่องเกี่ยวกับว่าพวกเขากำลังถูกจัดการ และถือว่าขณะนี้ woollim จะทำไม่ดีที่การจัดการทั้งหมด และมันเริ่มเห็นคนเหนื่อยยังจูบลี jungyeop ของตูดและสรรเสริญ woollim เป็นบริษัทที่ดีที่สุดเคยที่มากดีกว่าอื่น ๆ (คุณ คนที่ได้รับ whiny และทุบตี sm ทุกครั้งควบรวมนำ up. ว่าล่าแม่มดใน sujeong เป็นสิ่ง ridiciulous ส่วนใหญ่ที่ผมเคยเห็น) แบบที่แฟน ๆ มี woollim เชิงบางที่พวกเขาทำไม่ถูกต้องไม่ได้รวม - jungyeop ทำผิด และจะยังคงทำเช่นนั้นไม่ว่าจะเกิดอะไรขึ้นครั้งแรก เราจะดูเล็กใน scandals อดีต tablo ของ ของ myungsoo, jisoo ของ และ อร่อยของ แฟนผู้จัดการสแกนดัล (ที่ทำให้เกิด jungyeop การลบ twitter ของเขาหลังจากได้รับพวงของวิจารณ์) ไม่จัดการให้ดี และไม่อันตรายมากขึ้นกว่าดี (กระทู้นี้จะยาวนานเพียงพอก็เพื่อเพิ่มเติมทุก ๆ ผู้โพสต์วัน อาจจะเป็น) แต่คนยังเรียกร้อง woollim และ jungyeop ดี เขาใส่ใจศิลปินทั้งหมด แต่เป็นความจริงจริง ๆพูดคุยเกี่ยวกับการ solos และ subunits อนันต์มีอากาศ ใช่ มันเป็นดีว่า สมาชิกแต่ละคนมีโอกาสที่จะทำอะไร และใช่ บริษัทไม่ได้ทำเหมือนกัน แต่เป็นจริงดีกว่า woollim ใส่ใจมากเกี่ยวกับแต่ละกิจกรรมกลุ่ม และบางคนมากกว่าคนอื่น ของอนันต์พฤษภาคมกลับมาล่าช้าเนื่องจากโซของ sunggyu และโฮย่าของ หน้าที่ (เนเวอร์ไมนด์ข้อเท็จจริงที่สมาชิกคนอื่น ๆ ได้มาถ่ายทำเรื่องละครทางขณะส่งเสริมก่อน) - ทำไมไม่ sunggyu ต้องมาก่อนไม่มีขีดจำกัดตัวเอง สมาชิกคนอื่น ๆ ได้กล่าวถึงต้องการกลับมาของกลุ่มมากกว่าหนึ่งครั้ง และยัง ที่ไม่ได้เกิดขึ้นจนกระทั่งเดือนกรกฎาคม ถึงแม้ว่าเพลงเริ่มถูกบันทึกในเดือนมกราคม มีเหตุผลสำหรับการกลับมาของอนันต์จะถูกผลักกลับไป 3 เดือนสำหรับสมาชิกไปอีกโซ เหมือนมีเหตุผลสำหรับ f, h และ sunggyu (หน่วยย่อยที่สองและหนึ่งโซ) เพื่อเปิดตัว/กลับมาทั้งหมดในแถวjungyeop says in this interview that the reason the units/solos exist is so the members will have long-term plans and are able to stay in the industry as long as possible. if you read through the whole thing, he also states infinite f never had plans for a korean debut and “heartbeat” was only going to be released as an ost for hi school love on. why did they have to promote a song used for an ost for their japanese promotions? promos which consisted of a few showcases and a show. korean promos? two weeks and they only attended three out of the seven music shows. sunggyu, h, and toheart all had two music videos while f got two music videos of the same exact song, just in a different language. sunggyu, h, and toheart had a decent amount of time for promotions. sunggyu, h, and toheart got an actual mini-album. during infinite effect, sungyeol asked the audience if they were bored with “heartbeat” since they keep performing it (just a reminder that it was the special stage for ogsr, which was 17 months ago). when they said no, he said they needed to say yes so f can release another album and get to promote something new, as that’s the only way they could’ve had a new song. if these units and solos exist so the boys can stay in the industry as long as possible, how are these half-assed promotions for f going to help any? how is anyone but h and sunggyu benefiting from this? let’s not even get into the fact that woohyun, despite asking for years and being one of the main vocals, still has yet to be given a solo when his supposed equal has had two already. all he’s gotten are a handful of self-composed songs on albums here and there and some osts.this leads into something that causes a lot of controversy in the fandom: favoritism. some have realized it, some pitch a fit when it gets mentioned, and some deny it. when myungsoo was getting a lot of work, he had to reject offers. why? so infinite wouldn’t have one member whose popularity is so much above the others (see: miss a and suzy). fast-forward to 2015 where during his comeback, sunggyu received more activities within a couple of weeks than infinite themselves has had as a group in a year. he has been the only member to get as many variety show appearances as he has by himself. even during these promos for bad, he was on a show by himself. the only member to get one. where did that attitude of “not letting someone’s popularity overshadow the group’s” go? why did it apply to myungsoo but not sunggyu? why is sunggyu the only one that gets chance after chance after chance to be on variety shows by himself and not any of the others? you can bring myungsoo’s activities and popularity into this all you want, since some of you are definitely thinking it, but you can’t say it was this bad with him. it wasn’t, plain and simple. no matter how much you want to deny it or not want to believe it, there is favoritism in woollim. this is not bashing sunggyu at all whatsoever, before some of you get defensive. nothing bad is being said about sunggyu himself - this is just pointing out facts and blaming woollim for not treating all the members equally when they claim that they do and that popularity doesn’t matter. if it doesn’t matter then why is only one member getting a significant amount of work more than the others?from the time infinite debuted up until paradise, they used the tactic of constant promotions to gain popularity. they had 5 promotions (come back again, btd, nothing’s over, be mine, paradise) in a year and a half. it worked, certainly, due to them hitting gold with be mine. now infinite only comes back once a year. infinitize (the chaser) and new challenge (man in love - which most international fans hate since it’s a cute concept, but the album sales don’t lie) are their best selling albums for a reason: they came out when they were at their peak. sadly, they’re never going to sell that much again and that’s because their popularity is declining. fans can deny it all they want and try to come up with “sources” saying otherwise, but it’s the truth and people need to face it. inspirits seriously overestimate infinite’s popularity. all those articles about infinite effect seoul selling out in 10 minutes? all lies and media play. if you look at pictures from the concerts you can see plenty of empty seats and the entire upper level of the stadium was unused.
infinite come back once a year and while they do well, it’s only due to the fans they’ve already had. they get buried under other groups that are now using the same plan of constant promotions and gain new fans. the industry is already so saturated with groups debuting all the time that the only way you’re going to get fans is if you do something to keep their interest, something domestic. but woollim is complacent - they think one half-assed comeback a year is going to keep the fans they have when that’s very well not the case at all.
there was once a time when infinite were cf kings and had advertising deals with a bunch of companies, such as nike, elite, natuur pop, fila, and perhaps most notably, samsung, with whom they did request and who sponsored one great step. these days, infinite’s only cf contract is with lotte chilsung pepsi. cfs and sponsorships are an entertainers bread and butter in korea. myungsoo is the only member with a solo cf deal (from china even, so it’s not even relevant to korean popularity) and makes the most money as a result. the fact they went from all these contracts to one in less than a year is an indicator that they’re losing ground with both fans and the general public.
now, all of this doesn’t mean infinite should go back to how they used to be and promote 3 or 4 times a year. of course not, they were overworked then and still are now, but that’s not due to actual korean promotions - it’s because of all the concerts they do. infinite say they want to be concert-dols, but is doing so many helping them any if they’re not gaining any popularity? especially when there are only a few changes (if that) in the setlist? in the past two years alone they’ve done ogsr, tsc2, the dilemma tour, and now infinite effect. how about we take a look at everything the boys have done since debut.
2010: you are my oppa filming, come back again and she’s back promotions, days of infinite filming, isac, award shows, gayos ( + dongwoo filming wowman)
2011: btd promotions, nothing’s over promotions, be mine promotions, sesame player filming, paradise promotions, birth of a family filming, btd japanese promotions, isac (twice), award shows, gayos ( + sungyeol filming while you were sleeping, myungsoo filming jiu, woohyun on immortal song, myungsoo voice acting for wara store).
2012: second invasion, second invasion evolution, be mine japanese promotions, the chaser promotions, ranking king filming, that summer concert, japanese arena tour, isac (twice), award shows, gayos ( + woohyun and sunggyu in gwanghwamun sonata, sunggyu’s solo debut, myungsoo filming sufbb and what is mom, hoya filming reply 1997, woohyun filming the thousandth man, sunggyu on immortal song).
2013: man in love promotions, destiny mv filming in america, destiny promotions, man in love japanese promotions, one great step, isac (twice), gayos, award shows ( + infinite h’s debut, sungyeol filming laws of the jungle and love potential, sunggyu filming the genius and high society, myungsoo
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