4. The way forward:
The WHO Falls Prevention for Active
Ageing model provides an action plan for
making progress in reducing the prevalence
of falls in the older adult population. By
building on the three pillars of falls prevention,
the model proposes specific strategies
1. building awareness of the importance of
falls prevention and treatment;
2. improving the assessment of individual,
environmental, and societal factors that
increase the likelihood of falls; and
3. for facilitating the design and implementation
of culturally-appropriate,
evidence-based interventions that will
significantly reduce the number of falls
among older persons.
The model provides strategies and solutions
that will require the engagement of multiple
sectors of society. It is dependent on and
consistent with the vision articulated in the
WHO Active Ageing Policy Framework.
Although not all of the awareness, assessment,
and intervention strategies identified
in the model apply equally well in all
regions of the world, there are significant
evidence-based strategies that can be effectively
implemented in all regions and
cultures. The degree to which progress
will be made depends on to the success in
integrating falls prevention strategies into
the overall health and social care agendas
globally. In order to do this effectively, it is
necessary to identify and implement culturally
appropriate, evidence-based policies
and procedures. This requires multisectoral
collaborations, strong commitment to public
and professional education, interaction
based on evidence drawn from a variety of
traditional, complementary, and alternative
sources. Although the understanding of
the evidence-base is growing, there is much
that is not yet understood. Thus, there is
an urgent need for continued research in
all areas of falls prevention and treatment
in order to better understand the scope of
the problem worldwide. In particular, more
evidence of the cost-effectiveness of interconnections
is needed to develop strategies
that are most likely to be effective in specific
setting and population sub-groups.
While this is an ambitious plan, it is attainable.
A tangible difference in the health and
quality of life of older people around the
world could be achieved by implementing
a comprehensive global strategy to reduce