==== CLOCKWORK MOUNT v.0.5 =====
Welcome to the Clockwork Mount Public Beta.
Please carefully see this Readme to avoid
problems with your game and misunderstandings,
The archive is divided into TWO MAIN SECTIONS,
please read the following lines to know what to do and what is it.
====== VERY IMPORTANT ==============
I'm sorry, but I'm not responsable of your bricked Pc,
corrupt GTA installation or anything that could happen to you!
====== Section: 01_MAP ==========================================================
====== Map Files, MAIN INSTALLATION =====================================================
1. Copy the folder "st_clkmnt04" to Grand Theft Auto IVpcdatamaps
2. If it's the first Map Mod you add,
copy and replace gta.dat and images.txt
from the 01_MAP folder to Grand Theft Auto IVcommondata
***NOTE: Make a backup of gta.dat and images.txt first, or your game could crash!!****
If you already have a Map Mod, copy the strings that belongs to this map to your gta.dat and images.txt,
or follow the Advanced Map installation###
3. Start the game! Map installed
===== ### Advanced Map installation (DO THIS ONLY IF YOU HAVE OTHER MAPS): =========
a. Open the file commondataimages.txt and add this string after all the "platformimg"
platformimg:/data/maps/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt04 0
b. Open the file commondatagta.dat and add these strings
(after the ide map files)
IDE platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_beach01.IDE
IDE platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_bridge02.IDE
IDE platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt04.IDE
IDE platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt05_d.IDE
IDE platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt05_t.IDE
(after the ipl map files)
IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_beach01.IPL
IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_bridge02.IPL
IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt04.IPL
IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt05_d1.IPL
IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt05_d2.IPL
IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt05_d3.IPL
IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt05_d4.IPL
IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt05_d5.IPL
IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt05_d6.IPL
IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt05_t.IPL
#IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt04treelods.IPL
c. save all
(Do the same if you are using TBOGT/TLAD, the procedure is the same but only the folders are different!)
====== Section: 02_EXTRAS ==========================================================
====== 01 CAR_PATHS, INSTALLATION ====================
= To create traffic on the roads of Clockwork Mount
Replace the paths.img to Grand Theft Auto IVpcdatacdimages
* Make a backup of your Paths.img or use the .bak if you forgot to restore. *
Remember: These Paths are experimental.
GTAIV has not been made to have low density narrow roads, so It's not really good to drive with too much traffic.
====== 02 RADAR, INSTALLATION ========================
= To have the map on the Radar
Replace the radar.img to Grand Theft Auto IVpcmodelscdimages
* Make a backup of your radar.img or use the .bak if you forgot to restore. *
====== 03 LOADING SCREENS, INSTALLATION ==============
= To replace the loading screens with some fresh images in pure GTA Style!
Replace the loadingscreens.wtd to Grand Theft Auto IVpc extures
* Make a backup of your loadingscreens.wtd *
====== 04 FAKE TREE LODS, INSTALLATION ==============
= To see more Trees on the distance
Remove the # from the string #IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt04treelods.IPL on the gta.dat
================ CREDITS ===================================================================
Many thanks to:
3Doomer and GIMSIV
OpenIV Team
Rockstar Games for all they do for us.
And everyone I forgot to mention..Thanks!
==== CLOCKWORK MOUNT v.0.5 =====
Welcome to the Clockwork Mount Public Beta.
Please carefully see this Readme to avoid
problems with your game and misunderstandings,
The archive is divided into TWO MAIN SECTIONS,
please read the following lines to know what to do and what is it.
====== VERY IMPORTANT ==============
I'm sorry, but I'm not responsable of your bricked Pc,
corrupt GTA installation or anything that could happen to you!
====== Section: 01_MAP ==========================================================
====== Map Files, MAIN INSTALLATION =====================================================
1. Copy the folder "st_clkmnt04" to Grand Theft Auto IVpcdatamaps
2. If it's the first Map Mod you add,
copy and replace gta.dat and images.txt
from the 01_MAP folder to Grand Theft Auto IVcommondata
***NOTE: Make a backup of gta.dat and images.txt first, or your game could crash!!****
If you already have a Map Mod, copy the strings that belongs to this map to your gta.dat and images.txt,
or follow the Advanced Map installation###
3. Start the game! Map installed
===== ### Advanced Map installation (DO THIS ONLY IF YOU HAVE OTHER MAPS): =========
a. Open the file commondataimages.txt and add this string after all the "platformimg"
platformimg:/data/maps/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt04 0
b. Open the file commondatagta.dat and add these strings
(after the ide map files)
IDE platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_beach01.IDE
IDE platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_bridge02.IDE
IDE platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt04.IDE
IDE platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt05_d.IDE
IDE platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt05_t.IDE
(after the ipl map files)
IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_beach01.IPL
IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_bridge02.IPL
IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt04.IPL
IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt05_d1.IPL
IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt05_d2.IPL
IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt05_d3.IPL
IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt05_d4.IPL
IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt05_d5.IPL
IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt05_d6.IPL
IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt05_t.IPL
#IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt04treelods.IPL
c. save all
(Do the same if you are using TBOGT/TLAD, the procedure is the same but only the folders are different!)
====== Section: 02_EXTRAS ==========================================================
====== 01 CAR_PATHS, INSTALLATION ====================
= To create traffic on the roads of Clockwork Mount
Replace the paths.img to Grand Theft Auto IVpcdatacdimages
* Make a backup of your Paths.img or use the .bak if you forgot to restore. *
Remember: These Paths are experimental.
GTAIV has not been made to have low density narrow roads, so It's not really good to drive with too much traffic.
====== 02 RADAR, INSTALLATION ========================
= To have the map on the Radar
Replace the radar.img to Grand Theft Auto IVpcmodelscdimages
* Make a backup of your radar.img or use the .bak if you forgot to restore. *
====== 03 LOADING SCREENS, INSTALLATION ==============
= To replace the loading screens with some fresh images in pure GTA Style!
Replace the loadingscreens.wtd to Grand Theft Auto IVpc extures
* Make a backup of your loadingscreens.wtd *
====== 04 FAKE TREE LODS, INSTALLATION ==============
= To see more Trees on the distance
Remove the # from the string #IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/st_clkmnt04/st_clkmnt04treelods.IPL on the gta.dat
================ CREDITS ===================================================================
Many thanks to:
3Doomer and GIMSIV
OpenIV Team
Rockstar Games for all they do for us.
And everyone I forgot to mention..Thanks!
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