Dear Nina,
nice to read from you.
My work is technical sales support for industrial electric motors, gearing and bearings.
It is a big international company, named ABB (
From our office we support the sales people all over Europe, Russia + CIS and North Africa.
My professional “roots” are trader. I am a skilled merchant in wholesale and international trade.
During my career I worked for several companies in different branches, but mainly with electric motors.
So I got a good technical background of the products and can now work as a kind of technician/engineer.
My daughter is 20 years old.
She finished secondary school in summer 2013 with university-entry diploma.
Then she passed a voluntary year in senior residence and started August 2014 an apprenticeship as merchant in health business.
Today I came home from work late. Have to drive a long way to work every day (75 km).
I have to get up between 5:00 and 6:00 a.m. and leave home between 6:00 and 7:00.
It is already midnight and I have to go to bed now.
Feel free to ask everything you want to know about me.
Have a good night and sweet dreams.
Warm regards