will increase while the shares of bus and car will decrease with the increment of β1 or β2. The
travelers who select the bus or car mode will shift into the bike mode without any potential
expense when such travelers become more sensitive to the potential expense. The previous
results imply that the performance of the whole network in terms of total travel time would
be better when the travelers are more sensitive to the travel time and less sensitive to potential
The shares of various modes and the total travel time can be dramatically changed
with the changes of α1, α2 or β1, β2 in a certain range. However, these values will not
change significantly when these parameters reach a certain value. When the travelers are
all excessive time-sensitive or cost-sensitive, the other factor can affect their mode choice
behaviors to a very small extent. For example, when the travelers are very sensitive to the
potential expense, they would not consider the factor of travel time. In such a condition,
most of the travelers would choose bike as their traffic tools since they do not bear any costs.
As the speed of bike is slowest, the total cost of network will reach the maximum. On the
contrary, when the traveler is very sensitive to the travel time, they will not consider the
factor of money. Therefore, the travelers always tend to choose the mode with the shortest
travel time such as car. Simultaneously, the travel time of such mode will become longer