Alarge surface area activated carbonwasprepared frombamboo
by the microwave-induced phosphoric activation process. With a
mainly microporous nature and an acidic surface, the activated
carbon was suitable for the adsorption of organic pollutants or
other applications in which acidic groups were desired. The results
proved that this process was rapid, efficient and economic. In
general, the increase in microwave power, radiation time and
phosphoric acid/carbon ratio facilitated the development of the
pore structure. The activated carbons prepared with microwave
and conventional thermal methods demonstrated similar surface
chemical properties. The acid–base titration and pHpzc measurement
exhibited the existence of a large amount of acidic groups on
the surface. The FTIR spectra provided qualitative analysis of the
surface groups, while the XPS spectra revealed the changes in the
relative contents of various elements and carbon species.