3.2. Measures
The variables and their respective measurement indicators
were obtained from the transverse axes of the EFQM Excellence
Model (EFQM, 2003). In this study, and according to the
objectives considered, three transverse axes were selected
(knowledge, process methodology and suppliers and partners),
as well as the key results of the business (Table 2; Fig. 5).
The data were collected from the assessment processes
according to the RADAR (Results–Approach–Deployment–
Assessment and Review) logic which the EFQM Excellence
Model uses to score the level of excellence of organisations.
The Approach, Deployment, Assessment and Review elements
were applied for the Enablers, and must analyse the evidence of
what the organisation is doing. The Results element was used to
assess criteria related to the results, and analyse what the
organisation obtained as a result of its efforts.
The points scale of the RADAR matrices for the Enablers is
divided into 5 intervals which range from value 0 (without
evidence or anecdotal) to value 100 (total evidence). The
Results scale also varies between 0 and 100, but the meaning of
the extreme values changes according to the type of result that