Abstract—The evaluation and benchmarking of
NoSQL databases is challenging due to the variety of
query languages and also due to the denormalized
scheme that allows to include non-scalar values and
repeatable structures such as nested documents. In
the rather young age of NoSQL databases, there are
not many studies on a conventional solution to enable
a fair comparison of their performance with each
other and with relational databases. In this paper, we
present the modeling and evaluation of an extensible
open-source solution called NoWog. Its purpose is
to generate large synthetic database workloads and
also to mimic real-world database applications allowing
application-specific benchmarking. We introduce
a generic language for the description of workload
characteristics that is independent of a particular
database query language or the underlying storage
model and therefore applicable to various database
management systems. Thereby, the NoWog language
covers different distributions of read and write operations
for various data types such as numbers, texts,
arrays and nested documents. In our evaluation, we
demonstrate NoWog’s ability to mimic a real workload
from an application using environmental satellite
data stored in a MongoDB and also its scalability to
produce big workloads.
Keywords-synthetic workload, generation, benchmark
Abstract—The evaluation and benchmarking ofNoSQL databases is challenging due to the variety ofquery languages and also due to the denormalizedscheme that allows to include non-scalar values andrepeatable structures such as nested documents. Inthe rather young age of NoSQL databases, there arenot many studies on a conventional solution to enablea fair comparison of their performance with eachother and with relational databases. In this paper, wepresent the modeling and evaluation of an extensibleopen-source solution called NoWog. Its purpose isto generate large synthetic database workloads andalso to mimic real-world database applications allowingapplication-specific benchmarking. We introducea generic language for the description of workloadcharacteristics that is independent of a particulardatabase query language or the underlying storagemodel and therefore applicable to various databasemanagement systems. Thereby, the NoWog languagecovers different distributions of read and write operationsfor various data types such as numbers, texts,arrays and nested documents. In our evaluation, wedemonstrate NoWog’s ability to mimic a real workloadfrom an application using environmental satellitedata stored in a MongoDB and also its scalability toproduce big workloads.Keywords-synthetic workload, generation, benchmark
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