Where the fuel oil piping passes through adjacent tanks, the valve required above may be located where the pipe run exits the adjacent tank(s), provided the piping in the adjacent tanks is extra-heavy and has all welded connections. However, if the adjacent tank is a fuel oil tank, the pipe run within the fuel oil tank is to be at least standard thickness.
electric, hydraulic or pneumatic means. The source of power to operate these valves is to be from outside of the space in which these valves are situated. For a pneumatically operated system, the air supply may be from a source located within the same space as the valves provided that an air receiver complying with the following is located outside the space:
• Sufficient capacity to close all connected valves twice.
• Fitted with low air pressure alarm.
• Fitted with a non-return valve adjacent to the air receiver in the air supply line.
This remote means of closure is to override all other means of valve control. The use of an electric, hydraulic or pneumatic system to keep the valve in the open position is not acceptable.
Materials readily rendered ineffective by heat are not to be used in the construction of the valves or the closure mechanism unless protected adequately to ensure effective closure facility in the event of fire. Electric cables, where used, are to be fire-resistant, meeting the requirements of IEC Publication 60331.
The controls for the remote means of closure of the valves of the emergency generator fuel tank and the emergency fire pump fuel tank, as applicable, are to be grouped separately from those for other fuel oil tanks.