1. The Chula Developmental Screening Inventory (DSI) is a reliable and valid screening
instrument for identifying Thai children ago birth to three with and without developmentally
disabilities. This makes the Chula Developmental Screening Inventory the first such instrument
developed and validated in Thailand.
2. The Chula Developmental Screening Inventory was found to be:
Quick to administer – the DSI takes about 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
Easy to administer – it requires no professional training to administer because parents complete the SDI themselves.
Easy to interpret-it has been normed on a Bangkok sample of children, and it’s
Scores are interpreted in terms of standard scores.
3. Although these initial findings are promising, the Chula DSI’s normative sample should
be expanded to include parents in Thai urban and settings outside Bangkok. This would
provide more representative norms and improved interpretations of it’s scores.
Note. Although the Denver-II is currently the most widely used developmental screening
Instrument in Thailand, it has not yet been validated on Thai samples, and its specificity (.43) has
been reported to be inadequate even in samples.