Based on detailed suitability scores, Route 3 is the most suitable
options with the given variables, and Route 5 appears to be the
least desirable. As can be seen in Table 10, Route 5 shows the least
suitable scores (classification 5) in 6 categories with another 5
falling under classification 4. In other words, implementing Route
5 in the study area induces the highest conflicts with 11 variables
in their toughest conditions. On the other hand, Route 3 shows
only one category (Farmlands) scoring the least suitable scores,
and two (Population Density & Vegetation) in the classification 4. It
means Routes 3 is the most suitable match with the selected 15
Based on detailed suitability scores, Route 3 is the most suitableoptions with the given variables, and Route 5 appears to be theleast desirable. As can be seen in Table 10, Route 5 shows the leastsuitable scores (classification 5) in 6 categories with another 5falling under classification 4. In other words, implementing Route5 in the study area induces the highest conflicts with 11 variablesin their toughest conditions. On the other hand, Route 3 showsonly one category (Farmlands) scoring the least suitable scores,and two (Population Density & Vegetation) in the classification 4. Itmeans Routes 3 is the most suitable match with the selected 15variables
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