Hi Som, so nice to hear your voice. Every day I work I get closer to you, and every night I sleep I dream of our life together. Yes, I like to go to sleep at night and wake up in the same bed together forever. But I think most of all I look forwards to the day that our children can run through the house laughing and playing. What a wonderful life it would be to have our joyful family, with so much love from you and me. I am sure that Gods blessings would be many. Two months from now you will be going into your last day of work, and I will be on my way to marry you. And both our lives will become one. So often I dream of talking to you in Thai and you talking to me in English. But for right now I'm very happy just to feel your warm lips on mine. I love you and miss you my wife. I hope you and your family take good care and not work so hard. Next week I am sure I will be sending money for you and your father for wedding. I look forwards to your pictures, all the time I love seeing you so much. You have been and always will be my one true love. Dreaming of you, Timmy.